Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem

On this page you could find benchmark sets used in our study of Vehicle Routing Problem with Dynamic Requests (the files are created according to the format proposed by Montemanni et al. (2009))

  1. Christofides’s benchmarks
  2. Fishers’s benchmarks
  3. Taillard’s benchmarks
  4. Authors’ benchmarks

Below we present the values of the best known results for the 21 literature benchmark sets. 19 of the best results were found by our algorithm ContDVRP (its earliear version has been 2-Phase Multi-swarm Particle Swarm Optimization (2MPSO)). For those results we present also the solutions in form of a picture and a time table for the vehicles.
Also, for all the benchmarks, graphical representation of the requests’ spatial, temporal and sizes distributions is given.

The code and the binary files of the ContDVRP (with the settings for a standard number of fitness function evaluations may be found here)

Best known
c50 Christofides 50 551.07
c75 Christofides 75 876.01
c100 Christofides 100 882.18
c100b Christofides 100b 819.56
c120 Christofides 120 1052.75
c150 Christofides 150 1081.48
c199 Christofides 199 1350.04
f71 Fischer 71 271.02
f134 Fischer 134 11658.14
tai75a Taillard 75 1684.95
tai75b Taillard 75 1359.06
tai75c UNKNOWN TO US 1406.27
tai75d UNKNOWN TO US 1342.26
tai100a Taillard 100 2103.99
tai100b Taillard 100 2032.52
tai100c Taillard 100 1425.83
tai100d Taillard 100 1668.75
tai150a Taillard 150 3247.56
tai150b Taillard 150 2842.20
tai150c Taillard 150 2441.12
tai150d Taillard 150 2813.40